Upright Meaning:

Symbolizes that you’ll regain strength in the near future that surpasses your ill state.

Whether you suffer from mental or physical health problems, the Upright Knight of Pentacles has good news for you. After pulling this card, you’re likely to overcome an aspect of a health problem you’ve been struggling with, possibly in a more renewed state than you were before.

This card also tells you to focus on the basics or the mundane to stay in good health. Proper diet, exercise, and rest will be crucial to overcoming your health struggles.

Reversed Meaning:

Symbolizes complete neglect or total obsession with health.

Balance is important to the Knight of Pentacles, so if you draw this card in a health-specific spread, it could indicate one of two extremes. You may be neglecting your health entirely, or you are so obsessed with fitness that it’s destroying your quality of life.

If you’re neglecting your health, try and make small steps. Start by walking one night a week or cooking healthy food for yourself two nights a week. Then, add on a day every two weeks to avoid shocking your system or giving up entirely. It’s okay to reach your goals slowly.

On the other hand, if you’re taking it to the extreme, you need to reduce your workout days instead. Working out too much can actually be detrimental to your health and reverse your progress. Tell yourself it’s okay to eat unhealthy once and a while or to relax twice a week.