Upright Meaning:
The Justice card will appear in a home and family reading when fairness is needed to resolve any issues. Perhaps there has been conflicted within your family, with certain people acting badly. It can be really difficult to see your loved ones fight with each other, but the Tarot is telling you that this will soon be resolved!
Make sure you are being fair in this situation and providing a balanced view on the issue. Do not take sides, rather listen to everyone equally. Integrity is important right now, in your friendship circle and family.
Sometimes when the Justice card pops up in a family reading, it suggests that you may need to make an important decision for the future of your family soon. This may be about where you are living, or a decision about children.
Because this will seriously affect your future and the future of your loved ones, do not rush into things. Take time to think about all possible outcomes and what would be best for everyone.
Reversed Meaning:
When reversed in a home and family reading, the Justice card asks you to be proactive in healing disputes and arguments. There might have been a big fallout in your family or friendship circle recently, and perhaps you have been trying to avoid it. But, the universe is sending you a sign. It is telling you that by avoiding the issue, you are not helping the healing process.
Be fair to your family members and your friends. If someone is being unfair, you must call them out on this in a respectful manner. Running from justice and letting bad energy prevail is only doing you harm in the long run.
If you have treated any friends or family members badly recently, the universe is telling you that it sees everything and you must make amends. It is time to learn from your past mistakes and grow as a person.