Upright Keywords:

Hope, Inspiration, Creativity, Calm, Contentment, Renewal, Serenity, Spirituality, Healing, Positivity

Reversed Keywords:

Hopelessness, Despair, Focusing on the negative, Lack of faith, Lack of inspiration, Lack of creativity, Boredom, Monotony

Upright Meaning

The Star will often appear to those who have recently been through a difficult time. As the Star comes straight after The Tower in the traditional Tarot deck, it represents peace and healing after pain and confusion. Under the light of the stars, things become clearer and calmer.

The Star represents hope. It is a time for reconnecting with the universe and all the amazing things that the world has to offer. You will soon get the stability that you need, understanding who you are emotionally and spiritually. You will gain clarity on yourself and your relationship with the world. The Star allows you to become your true self, and cast off any misconceptions or confusion. You will begin to truly understand your power and your purpose.

The Star also brings forth great energy of creativity and inspiration. You will find new ways of expressing yourself, with celestial magic flowing through your veins. There may be a time of celebration and luck ahead of you, with reasons to be proud of who you are and what you do in the world.

The Star signifies a fresh perspective. Trust in the universe and take time to be spiritual. Allow yourself to be a soul in the world, connecting with the stars above you and the earth below you.

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Star signifies a loss of faith and hope. You have had a lot of bad things happen to you recently, and you are feeling as if things just can’t get better. You have lost passion and drive, giving up and giving in to sadness and sorrow.

Nothing seems to inspire you these days, and you seem to not care too much about anything. If you are a creative person, your attitude towards your craft has dramatically changed. You do not have the drive to work and create like you used to, and this is really impacting your wellbeing.

Thankfully, the reversed Star brings hope for the future. It is a reminder that you have the power to change things and leave the past behind you. You must take time for yourself to heal and grow, putting your wellbeing before everything else. It is time to reconnect with yourself as a strong and spiritual being, treating your body and mind with care.

The Star wants you to know that you must seek support if you need to. Things can get so overwhelming and sometimes we don’t know where to turn! But, there is help out there for you if you need it.