Upright Meaning:
The Queen of Wands in this reading is pointing you to the matriarch of your family unit. This person is the head of the household: they take care of themselves and everyone around them. Is it you? Is it your partner, your grandmother, or your brother? Whoever they are, they have strong feminine energy, they are ambitious, organized, and always producing new ideas.
This could also be the matriarch of your friend group. Families take on multiple forms, so take time to think about who this person is.
Whoever they are, they are a positive person in your life; embrace them. Learn from them, keep them close, ask for advice, and do not take them for granted.
Reversed Meaning:
Are you not listening to someone who is wiser than you? Are you struggling with ambition right now? Someone isn’t living up to their abilities. It could be you, it could be someone close to you, depending on the cards surrounding this reversed Queen of Wands. I encourage you to slow down and check in on close friends and family. Does someone need your help?
This could be a creative block; it could be professional. Overall, you or your loved one is feeling very stagnant where they aren’t usually or shouldn’t be. Help is needed.