Upright Keywords:

Innocence, Freedom, Originality, Adventure, Travel, Foolishness, Carelessness, Idealism, Youth, Spontaneity, Lack of commitment, New beginnings

Reversed Keywords:

Recklessness, Carelessness, Negligence, Stupidity, Distraction, Apathy, Irrationality, Lack of fun, Hope or faith

Upright Meaning

When the Fool card appears in a reading, it is normally because you are about to begin a new phase of your life. There is a journey ahead, one that is exciting and refreshing. You may get the chance to start over again at something and find a new way of living.

The Fool is an optimistic card and suggests that you are about to begin a very exciting time in your life. It is a time of exploration and discovery, with new opportunities and experiences. You are bursting with potential right now.

The Fool suggests that soon you will have to take a leap into the unknown. There is risk involved with your new journey in life, but you don’t need to hesitate! Sometimes taking a risk is what is needed in life. There are so many opportunities on the horizon, you just need to go for it!

The Fool card has strong childlike energy and wants you to remember to have fun in life. Sometimes we can get dragged down into a negative and serious way of thinking, but the Fool represents a fresh way of looking at things. Life is to be enjoyed!

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Fool card reflects irresponsibility and reckless risks. It will often appear as a warning, telling you that your behavior right now will soon cause harm if not addressed.

It is good to take risks. It is simply impossible to live life without them! However, not all risks are good and not all risks pay off. There is a thoughtlessness to your behavior right now and you are acting like a fool!

You like to be adventurous, but this is becoming reckless. You are not thinking of the future and are not aware of the world around you. Your behavior is risking harming yourself or the people around you.