Upright Keywords:
Success, Completion, Wholeness, Cycles, Fulfillment, Unity, Achievement, Travel
Reversed Keywords:
Blockage, Stagnation, Disappointment, Burden, Delays, Lack of Closure
Upright Meaning
The World will often appear in a reading when you have completed something in your life. Something major in your life has been a success, and now is the time to celebrate your achievements.
It has probably been hard to get to where you are. Success is never easy, and there are always battles to face. But, your courage and conviction have made your achievement taste even more sweeter. Things have finally come together and you feel whole. All the sacrifices you have made along the way have finally paid off.
The universe wants you to know that you now must pause to bask in your success. You have done so well, and you should never forget to praise yourself! It is time to enjoy yourself and your successes, being connected with the world around you and recognizing it for what it has given you.
The World Tarot card will sometimes pop up when travel is a possibility in your life. Perhaps there is a job offer abroad or you are craving a holiday in the sun. The World card is giving you the nudge that you need to go out and explore the big wide world! Sometimes travel can be the thing that makes us feel at one with the universe and our spiritual side.
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The World suggests that you are needing to complete a chapter of your life but there is something blocking you. There is something burdening you down and sticking you to the past. You are close to completing a project and move onto the next stage of your life, but you are somehow not able to. Perhaps you are not doing everything you are needing to do in order to achieve what you want to achieve. It is time to look at your current circumstances and work out what exactly you need to do in order to complete this chapter of your life. Are you working as hard as you can be, or putting things off?
The World in reverse will often pop up when you are stuck in the past and need to seek closure. Perhaps you are still dreaming of a certain job you used to have or a past relationship, but these things are currently unattainable. The universe is telling you that this is not who you are now, and you must move on and begin your new life.
Life is a journey and things are constantly changing. You must embrace the turning wheel of the universe and the different worlds that you exist in.