Upright Keywords:
Moving on, Making Progress, Growth. Adventure, Travel, Foreign soil, Planning, Reward for effort, Self-confidence, Freedom, Happiness
Reversed Keywords:
Regret, Doubts, No progress, Returning, Restrictions, Failure, Disappointment, Poor planning, Frustration, Low confidence
Upright Meaning
Even if we dream of an easy life where all we desired fell straight out of the sky, would you trust it in reality? Probably not, because most things in life feel more precious when some effort is needed to conjure them up.
That’s what makes the Three of Wands tarot card so much fun. If you are prepared to do and be your best, you’ll be rewarded with good news. This card screams new directions, exciting creative opportunities, and fantastic long-term prospects.
The sky’s the limit so long as you can apply yourself. Investing in lots of planning time, managing risk, and nurturing new connections are all essential factors for success.
Just like the man in the picture, patience, thinking, and preparing will set you up for a great future—one where you’ll be ready to take those first steps forward on your journey.
Reversed Meaning
Although all tarot in reverse form can strike a little fear in our hearts, they’re not always irreversibly gloomy. You can think of the reversed Three of Wands as being like a nagging older sister. She means well and has some good advice; you just don’t always want to hear it.
When it is seen in reverse, the Three of Wands symbolizes a roadblock of some kind. Not a physical barrier, but a blockage sparked by those genuine concerns that new opportunities throw up. They are entirely natural and nothing to be ashamed of.
The Three of Wands in reverse form encourages you to identify and own these potential hazards, then seek solutions to address them. That way, you can look confidently to the future, knowing you’ve dealt with the past.