The Five of Wands is the card of conflict, tension, competition, and clashes of ego. The card depicts five men all armed with wands fighting each other in a competitive battle. These men are rivals, and they are duking it out to see who can come out on top. This can either come from intense conflict or good-hearted competition, depending on how you look at it. 

The Five of Wands reminds us that conflict is a part of life. Conflict cannot be avoided forever. Conflict comes up in every relationship, good and bad. It is not conflict itself that causes issues, but how we handle it. The Five of Wands reminds us that we can choose how we handle conflict. We can choose to do this with hostility, or we can choose to do this with grace and kindness. 

Upright Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Wands, it indicates a resounding no. As a negative card representing conflict, the Five of Wands indicates challenging times ahead. This could signify some kind of conflict coming your way. Take this as a sign to be cautious and prepare yourself to overcome that challenge.

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Wands indicates a firm no. The Five of Wands symbolizes a clash of egos. This could mean that the person you love feels like they’re constantly competing with you. Tension is always in the air. This makes it hard for a budding relationship to continue.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Wands indicates a no in all forms. At this point, competition might be intense in your work. Conflict could arise with your co-workers. This could get to the point where your performance is affected. Keep yourself calm and grounded.

For new and potential relationships, the Five of Wands is a complete no. You and your new partner could be having difficulty understanding each other. Some kind of negative energy is keeping you two from meeting halfway. You might find yourselves arguing all the time. If this persists, it’s best to accept that now is not the time to start a potential long-term relationship.

For existing relationships, the Five of Wands is a no with conditions. Your relationship is in a rocky state right now. You and your partner are in a constant clash with each other. Things have not gotten any better. If you want to save your relationship, take the time to have a serious talk.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Wands is a thorough no. You and your ex broke things off for a reason. No matter how hard you both tried, you couldn’t understand each other. The misunderstandings were too much. It’s best to move on and close that chapter of your life. 

Reversed Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Wands reversed, it indicates a positive yes. The Reversed Five of Wands tells you that a specific conflict in your life will soon be settled. With this card, you are assured that everything will be resolved. Set aside your own ego and communicate effectively.

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Wands reversed indicates an affirmative yes. This card suggests things will be better from now on. The previous negative energy with this person has turned into something positive. Take this as a sign to practice mutual respect and understanding.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Wands reversed indicates an exciting yes. The intense competition you’re experiencing at work is going away soon. The tension in the air has subsided. Good communication and teamwork are about to come your way. You can now relax and be at peace.

For new and potential relationships, the Five of Wands reversed is a yes that will bring you peace. You and your new partner are done with all the arguments. Who wants to keep arguing with the person you love, anyway? You are ready to meet halfway and keep the spark going.

For existing relationships, the Five of Wands reversed is a calming yes. After all the arguments, you and your partner will finally reach an understanding. Take this time to bring harmony back into your relationship. Go on dates. Spark the connection again. Use this opportunity to bring back the romance.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Wands reversed is a hopeful yes. Your ex could be ready to reconcile and solve your past issues. They realized conflicts are part of every relationship. Instead of giving up, this person thinks both of you should have fought harder. If you also want them back, you can expect a reconciliation soon.