Upright Keywords:

Golden Age, Purchase of property, New home, Wedding, Celebration, Big gathering, a feast, Closing deals, making a profit, Successful business ventures, Homecoming

Reversed Keywords:

Halfhearted happiness, Short-term romance/affair, Weak foundations, Glass legs, Premature marriage, Business partners going behind one’s back, Losing profit although being responsible for it, Loved one marries another, Neediness, Transition

Upright Meaning

When in the upright position Four of Wands announces a time of prosperity, celebration and good times with family and friends. It’s a card of joy and joyous reunions. It also represents homecoming; a celebration for someone returning from the army/battlefield, welcoming home a hero who has been on a faraway and arduous journey.

It foretells a wedding and festivities that follow that joyous event. It can also come up before major holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas…) or big Sabbaths (Samhain, Beltane…), and times of collective celebrations and merry spirit.

Four of Wands indicates that you’ve worked long and hard enough and that the time has come for that paid leave/vacation you’ve been holding off. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour and relax, you should recuperate and recharge your batteries, and you should do so surrounded by your loved ones.

Reversed Meaning

When the Four of Wands makes a reversed appearance it can mean that something disharmonic happened recently, or that there was a falling out with a family member. Since this card is of the Fire element, this falling out shouldn’t be something that sticks for a long time, instead, it should pass quickly.

When this card shows up reversed it’s telling you to pay attention to the foundation of the business, partnership or relationship you’re trying to build, for the foundations are not strong enough. It can also announce a falling out within your close family circle as if a table has glass legs and only one crack is enough to topple it all down.

Conversely, the Four of Wands reversed is pointing to your inner lack of harmony and balance and is urging you not to give up and instead try harder and continue to prevail by being persistent. This is the card of encouragement, so when it shows up reversed it’s telling you that you’re almost on the finish line, just hang in there a bit more.