The Five of Cups is the card of grief, loss, sadness, and disappointment. This card shows a man crying over three knocked down cups. He is so absorbed in his loss that he doesn’t see that he has two upright cups behind him. He is missing the opportunities that are still available to him. 

The Five of Cups reminds us that grief is a natural part of life. It is normal to grieve over our disappointments and failures. Challenges and losses are part of the journey. However, it is important to not be so wrapped up in the negative that we do not see the positive in our situation. The Five of Cups reminds us to authentically grieve, but also to see how we can use this moment as a learning opportunity to move forward.

Upright Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Cups, it indicates a probable no. This card suggests that you or someone in your situation may be experiencing grief, loss, and disappointment. You may be feeling deeply emotional and struggling to find positivity in the situation. The Five of Cups reminds you that it is important to authentically grieve, but to also look for opportunities to learn and move forward. While a positive outcome may not be immediately apparent, it’s important to remain open to the possibilities that the future may hold.

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Cups indicates a soft no. This card suggests that there may be some grieving or loss happening within the relationship. You or your partner could be feeling sadness and disappointment at this time. The Five of Cups reminds us that it’s natural to feel loss and grief, but it’s also essential to keep an eye out for positive things and opportunities that still exist. It may be necessary to take some time to work through the issues together or separately before making any decisions regarding the relationship’s future.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Cups indicates a cautious no. This card suggests that you may be experiencing disappointment or a loss in your current career, which could be causing you emotional distress. You may feel stuck or unable to move forward in your career, but it’s important to remember that this is a temporary setback. Take time to process your emotions, but also consider seeking support and guidance from others in your field. This card encourages you to remain open to new opportunities and be willing to take risks to advance your career.

For new and potential relationships, the Five of Cups is a  soft no. This card suggests that there may be emotional challenges or past experiences that are impacting both parties, but it does not necessarily mean that a relationship is impossible. It may be necessary to take a step back and reassess before moving forward. Communication is key in determining whether or not a relationship is viable. It is important to be honest with each other about your emotional state and work through any challenges together.

For existing relationships, the Five of Cups is a hesitant no. This card indicates that there may be emotional challenges that need to be addressed within the relationship. Both partners may be experiencing grief or disappointment, causing a strain on the relationship. However, this card also reminds us that it’s important to authentically process emotions, but not to be so consumed by negativity that we cannot see the positive aspects of the relationship. It encourages partners to communicate openly with each other and work together to find solutions to their problems. With effort, there may be a possibility of healing and moving forward.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Cups is a probable no. This card suggests that both you and your ex may still be dealing with grief, loss, and disappointment from the previous relationship. While it is important to grieve and process your emotions, it may not be the right time to reconcile. Consider taking time to heal individually and focus on personal growth before rekindling a relationship. If reconciliation is truly what both parties want, it may be possible in the future once emotional wounds have been addressed.

Reversed Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Cups reversed, it indicates a conditional yes. This card suggests that you have begun to heal from past emotional pain and are ready to move on. You are letting go of any negative feelings that have been holding you back and are now more open to new experiences. However, there may still be some lingering emotions that need to be dealt with before fully moving on. It is important to take things at a comfortable pace and not rush into any decisions that you may regret later.

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Cups reversed indicates a soft yes. This card suggests that you are starting to let go of past hurts and disappointments in your romantic life. You are open to new possibilities and willing to take a chance on love. This card indicates that you have a hopeful outlook and are willing to work towards building a happy future with someone new. However, it is important to approach new relationships with caution and not rush into anything before you have healed completely. Take time to communicate openly and honestly with your potential partner to build a strong foundation for the relationship.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Cups reversed indicates  a gradual yes. For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Cups reversed indicates that you may have experienced setbacks in the past, but you have taken time to process your emotions and are now ready to move forward. This card encourages you to explore new career opportunities, but at a gradual pace. It is important to not rush into any decisions and to consider the long-term implications of any choices you make. Remember to focus on the positives and learn from past challenges in order to grow and succeed in your career.

For new and potential relationships, the Five of Cups reversed is a gradual yes. This card suggests that you have started to move on from your past pain and disappointments, and are willing to take a chance on love again. However, it is important to proceed slowly and carefully, as healing and growth takes time. You should take the time to get to know the other person well and build trust gradually, rather than rushing into anything. It is also important to keep an open mind and not allow past hurts to negatively impact a new relationship.

For existing relationships, the Five of Cups reversed as is a gradual yes. This card suggests that you and your partner are working through past disappointments and starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are both committed to moving forward and creating a brighter future together. However, it is important to proceed with caution and be patient with each other as healing takes time. Make sure to communicate openly and work through any issues that arise in a healthy and constructive manner.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Cups reversed is a gradual yes, indicating that a reconciliation may be possible. This card suggests that your ex may be ready to let go of past pain and work towards a brighter future with you. However, it is important to approach the situation with caution and not rush into anything. Both parties need time to heal individually before coming together. It is important to communicate openly and honestly, and work through any issues that may arise before making any decisions about reconciliation.