Upright Keywords:
Conflict, fighting, Arguments, Rows, Disagreements, Struggle, Opposition, Battles, Aggression, Temper, Clashing personalities/egos, Strikes, Chaos, Unruliness, Being defensive/ territorial, Assertive, Pent up energy/aggression, Lack of control/ cooperation, Frustration, Irritation, Competition, Adrenaline, Sports, Being rough, Petty
Reversed Keywords:
Compromise, End of conflict/ row/ struggle, Reaching agreements, Peace, Harmony, Battle fatigue, Fear of confrontation, Shyness, Intimidation, Suppressed temper, Finding solutions, Cooperation, Control, Focus, order, Lack of competition, War, looking for an argument, Extreme aggression, Short fuse, Cancelled sports event
Upright Meaning
In a general context, the Five of Wands represents rows, arguments, conflict, fighting and disagreements. It signifies struggle, opposition, battles, aggression and temper. This Minor Arcana card represents clashing personalities or egos, pent up energy and aggression, irritation and frustration. You can expect a lack of cooperation, lack of control, pettiness, strikes, chaos or unruliness when it appears in your Tarot reading. It can also represent being rough, defensive or territorial and can signify competition and sports.
Reversed Meaning
In a general context, the Five of Wands reversed represents the end of rows, arguments, conflict, fighting and disagreements. It signifies ending struggles, finding common ground or solutions, reaching agreements, compromise, cooperation, peace and harmony. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also represent battle fatigue, fear of confrontation, shyness, suppressing your temper and feeling intimidated. Cooperation, control, focus and order may be possible when it appears in your Tarot reading. Alternatively, it can represent all-out war, looking for an argument, extreme aggression and having a short fuse. It can also signify sports events being cancelled.