The Five of Swords is the card of conflicts, arguments, disputes, fights, and stress. The card shows a man picking up three swords from the ground. Behind him, two men are walking away from their swords. A battle has been fought and lost. There is conflict and strife. Even though the fighting has stopped for the time being, the air has not been cleared.
The Five of Swords reminds us that conflict is a part of every relationship. Wherever there are people, conflict will always exist. Conflict can even be beneficial to a relationship, as it establishes boundaries and tells us when our needs are not being met. However, it is how we respond to conflict that matters. Conflicts can explode into strife, but they can also be worked through amicably.
Upright Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Swords, it indicates a yes. This card informs us that discord is an inevitable component of all relationships. Conflict will always exist wherever people exist. Conflict can even be good for a relationship since it defines boundaries and alerts us when our needs are not being met. What is important, though, is how we respond to confrontation. Disputes can erupt into conflict, but remember that they can also be settled peacefully.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Swords indicates no. This card implies that you are feeling impatient, irritated, and stressed out. You have the impression that things aren’t going your way and it is filling the air with great amounts of tension. Your energy is being perceived as unsettling, which makes the people around you want to avoid you.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Swords indicates a no. You may believe that you must always be correct. You may have a large ego when you get into an argument and instead of attempting to tackle the problem at hand, you are convinced that you must win the argument over finding a solution. This leads to disputes that harm your relationships with others in the workplace.
For new and potential relationships, the Five of Swords is a no. This person is currently stressed and irritable. There’s a lot of angst in the air. Some of it might not even be about you, but either way, they are not in a good mood right now, and conflicts and fights are likely. Communicating between you may be difficult right now, especially if this individual feels the need to be correct all of the time.
For existing relationships, the Five of Swords is a no. This person is agitated, irritated, and stressed. They believe they have been experiencing communication issues with you and are unsure why their approach isn’t working. If one or both of you feel the need to always be right, it is wreaking havoc on your relationship. Sit down and have an open, honest, and nonjudgmental discussion with each other.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Swords is a no. Your ex is upset about the situation. Things didn’t go well for them in their relationship, and they are not doing well now. Their ego is constantly in the way. If you’re wondering whether reconciliation is possible, the message here is that it won’t be until these ego issues are overcome.
Reversed Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Five of Swords reversed, it indicates a no. You believe that you must cut your losses and simply walk away. You believe you have fought as hard as you possibly could for the issue at hand, but it is simply not working. You are ready to surrender because you understand that some things just aren’t worth fighting for in the long run.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Five of Swords reversed indicates no. You believe that it is time to lay down your swords and seek isolation. Though your wounds ache and you are in great pain from within, you also understand that there are times when it’s best to simply let things go. Just make sure that your suffering doesn’t grow more severe in the future.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Five of Swords reversed indicates no. You believe you should cut your losses again and go away. You believe you have done everything possible to solve the problem, yet it’s just not happening. You’re prepared to give up since you realize that some things aren’t worth striving for in the big scheme of things.
For new and potential relationships, the Five of Swords reversed is a no. This indicates that you feel the need to simply stop trying in order to cut down on your hurt. Something just isn’t working in this relationship. You believe that things should not be this tough at first. You figure that if it is already this difficult, it will only get worse over time. Though it is difficult to accept, it is often necessary to recognize that there are better connections available than the one you currently have.
For existing relationships, the Five of Swords reversed is a no. This is an indication of defeat. You feel as though you’ve worked so hard for the two of you to work, but something just isn’t clicking. Even if you both want things to work out, your communication is patchy. You sometimes talk over one another or ignore what the other has to say. Your partner is willing to work with you and find a solution, but you must first clear the air with each other and give it time, or their resentments will persist.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Five of Swords reversed is a no. Your ex believes the split was warranted. You both tried every option you had, but it wasn’t simply working, so they decided to cut their losses and move forward. If you’re thinking about reconciling or reuniting with your ex, this is a hint that they aren’t interested.