The Six of Swords is the card of moving on, departure, leaving behind, and acceptance. This card shows a man rowing a woman and child on a boat to a new place. They are leaving something behind, as their backs are turned towards us. The woman and the child have their hoods up, perhaps hiding their true identities. Though this scene is sad, they are moving towards a better future.
The Six of Swords reminds us that we are all on a journey. Sometimes, we find people who will be at our side forever. Other times, we find people who will travel with us for only a period of time. The Six of Swords is a reminder that it is okay to move on. Release what no longer serves you. We will continue onwards with all of the lessons that we have learned.
Upright Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Swords, it indicates a solemn yes. It’s time to put the past behind you. You are willing to let go of the past and start looking toward a brighter future. This card can be used to represent both endings and beginnings.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Swords indicates no. We are all on a journey, as the Six of Swords tells us. Occasionally we meet someone who will be by our side for the rest of our lives. Sometimes we locate people who will go with us for a limited time. The Six of Swords reminds you that it’s okay to move on. Let go of what no longer serves you. We shall carry on with all of the lessons we have learned.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Swords indicates yes. Though this card may symbolize that things are about to drastically change in the workplace and that these changes may hurt you, it also implies that this is all for the greater good of your career. Things are looking brighter, you just have to get through the rain to see the sunshine.
For new and potential relationships, the Six of Swords is a yes. Your potential partner is finally ready to let go of the past and start a new chapter of their life — one with you in it. They were still carrying past baggage when they entered your relationship. This is understandable given that we all have a past. But, they have realized that in order to go on, they must let go of the past and trust in your future together. This is a fantastic omen for new relationships!
For existing relationships, the Six of Swords is a yes. This person has come to terms with what has happened between you two in the past. If your relationship has become too toxic, they may be ready to face the truth and move on. If things are going well between the two of you, then this signals that they may feel prepared for them to surrender the pain of the past and concentrate on what’s to come alongside you.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Swords is an unclear no. Your ex wishes to put the past behind them. This indicates that they are ready to move on since they have taken and embraced the valuable lessons from your relationship. However, it’s also possible that they are thinking about reconciliation because they want to put the past behind the two of you and start over.
Reversed Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Swords reversed, it indicates a no. You are feeling unable to move forward. Despite all you do, the past still has a tremendous grasp on your heart. On the one hand, you understand that putting the past behind them is the healthiest thing you can do, but on the other hand, you also feel compelled to simply hide away.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Swords reversed indicates no. You feel too resistant to change. You are far too at ease wherever you are at the moment. Even though you know in their hearts that you cannot remain stationary forever, you are having problems in making the first move. You must first determine what is preventing you from growing before pursuing romance.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Swords reversed indicates no. You are resistant to change. You’re far too at ease wherever you are right now. Even though you know in your heart that you cannot remain immobile indefinitely, you are having difficulty making the first move. Your career will be unable to move forward unless you confront what’s been holding you back all this time.
For new and potential relationships, the Six of Swords reversed is a no. This is a sign that you are unable to go forward. Whilst your potential partner is excited to see what the future holds, the past also has a firm grip on this person’s heart. For a new relationship to work, they must let go of their former baggage. They haven’t yet completed the essential shadow work needed to build a strong relationship. This just isn’t the right time for them.
For existing relationships, the Six of Swords reversed as is a no. This is a symptom of resistance to change. This person is far too content with the way things are going. They may know in their hearts that change is necessary, but they are afraid of what change may bring. To make this work, they must first become comfortable with being more adaptable and accepting of change. They may still be carrying baggage from the past, which could be damaging your relationship from within.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Swords reversed is a yes. Your ex is still thinking of you. They are not ready to move on, despite their best efforts. This may be a double-edged sword because they must be able to open their hearts to change in order to evolve into a healthier individual. If you’re thinking about reconciling or getting back together, this is an indication that this person still loves you and wants to be with you.