The Page of Pentacles is the card of ambition, diligence, consistency, loyalty, and faithfulness. This card shows a young boy standing in a lush field of flowers. He seems unaware of his surroundings because his attention is completely captured by the single pentacle he is holding up to the sky. This represents his ambition, diligence, and faithfulness.

The Page of Pentacles reminds us that intent at the beginning of a relationship is important. Someone who is ambitious about your relationship wants to take it far. Combine that with hard work and they will take it far. Consistency and faithfulness are key to long-term relationship success. 

Upright Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Page of Pentacles, it indicates a yes. This card indicates that you give off an air of loyalty, consistency, and diligence. All your positive traits are things that will propel your life forward which is why you shouldn’t be afraid of making any decisions. You trust yourself and it’s good to know that you’ve got your own back. Take the leap. 

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Page of Pentacles indicates yes. This card emphasizes the importance of intent at the start of a partnership. Someone who is ambitious about your connection wants to take it to the next level. When combined with hard work, they will go far. Long-term relationship success is dependent on consistency and commitment. You are an amazing partner who values loyalty and your desire to find love doesn’t come from a place of selfishness but rather, selflessness. 

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Page of Pentacles indicates yes. Your strong ambition does not go unnoticed, nor do your consistent actions. You’ve been taking active steps to ensure that your career skyrockets and the universe is ready to give you what you’ve been working so hard to achieve. There are amazing traits that you possess that are going to do wonders for your professional life.

For new and potential relationships, the Page of Pentacles is a yes. This person is enthusiastic about your new partnership. They are driven and determined to make things work out. They sense the potential of your relationship and are willing to put in the effort to make it a reality. They are often devoted and dedicated, with excellent intentions. They believe there is a strong foundation here and are excited to watch how your relationship develops. This is a fantastic indicator for any new relationship!

For existing relationships, the Page of Pentacles is a yes. Your partner is newly enthusiastic and committed to your connection. You’ve been through a lot as a couple, but it never gets old for them. They are about to embark on a new phase of dedication and commitment to the relationship. They are willing to put in the effort, and they hope that you are as well. Continue giving your partner your entire self because they are willing to do the same. Your relationship can definitely last a very long time. 

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Page of Pentacles is a yes. This card suggests that your ex is still attached to you. They want things to work out between the two of you. They were wounded by the separation, yet they remain devoted and committed to you and your previous relationship. They are willing to put in the effort if you would just give them another chance. 

Reversed Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Page of Pentacles reversed, it indicates a no. You’re feeling like your life is stagnant and boring right now, which is what is prompting you to make a big life-changing decision. You must learn not to always give into your whims because you may accidentally do something that you will come to regret later. Allow yourself time to really think about what you want to happen next before making a decision. 

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Page of Pentacles reversed indicates no. It’s obvious that you’re just bored at the moment and only want a relationship to distract you. A relationship isn’t some game and there could be another person’s feelings on the line here. You are not getting into a relationship for the right reasons which is why this card is here to remind you not to make any hasty decisions. Jumping into a relationship is not the cure for your boredom. 

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Page of Pentacles reversed indicates no. You need to remember why you started your job in the first place. Your passion for your job has completely been extinguished and you go to work every day feeling bored and uninspired. Try to take a step back and take a break — maybe a break is all you need to rediscover your love for your work. 

For new and potential relationships, the Page of Pentacles reversed is a no. This card indicates a lack of devotion to the partnership right now. Your potential partner is finding it easy to become distracted. They may simply not be in a position to commit to a long-term relationship right now. If this is the case, it is always preferable to find out sooner rather than later. Talk to them about what you both want to get out of this so you can get on the same page.

For existing relationships, the Page of Pentacles reversed is a no. Your relationship is lacking something. Your partner may be concerned that your relationship is becoming stagnant and boring. They long for the days when everything was new and exciting. They want to remember why they originally fell in love with you. This is a hint that the relationship needs some originality and unpredictability.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Page of Pentacles reversed is a no. The inverted Page of Pentacles indicates that they are currently distracted by other factors in their environment. They believe that there are bigger things to worry about and their focus has shifted since the breakup. They are not contemplating reconciliation or reuniting right now. You are simply not a priority in their mind at the moment.