Upright Keywords:
Speed, Confidence, Fast movement, Outburst of emotion, Sudden release, Airplane travel, Immediate action, Infatuation
Reversed Keywords:
Hastiness, Brisk action, Angry reaction, Missed goal, Reevaluation of an opportunity, Violence, Drowsiness, Slow-motion
This Minor Arcana card is connected with Sleipnir – Odin’s eight-legged steed born of Loki and Svaðilfari. He is the fastest horse that ever walked the Nine Worlds, and he can travel through the air, fire, water, and on land. It is said he is so fast he can run on water, and that is the perfect description of the speed of the Eight of Wands card.
The Lord of Speed that governs this card is not only the emanation of swift action, strong will, and fire but also of genius ideas and precious insights. This is the card that represents ‘eureka’ moments and revelations that come once in a lifetime.
This card doesn’t imply that something will happen; it assures you that it will, and fast. This is a fast-moving card, and when it shows up in a tarot reading, you know that you’re in for an awakening. Something will happen; hopefully, it’ll be something you prayed, wished, and aimed for. If not, you should reevaluate your goals and before announcing a venture a failure, try looking at it from a different view.
In the case of the Eight of Wands, the Tarot Spirits are favorable towards the magus, so if the outcome was less than desired when the Eight of Wands appeared in a tarot reading, there’s a hidden message in it – you are supposed to look deeper and change your perspective a bit, for the outcome turned out as it did for your greater good.
Upright Meaning
When the Eight of Wands appears upright in a reading, it’s a sign that you must act now! As soon as the reading is over, take the necessary steps to make sure the outcome you desire is at least one step closer to you, for this is the card that heralds a precious opportunity that can change fortunes, mostly for the better.
This card also announces a job being finished, a quick recovery from an illness, and airplane travel. It also puts romances into focus, especially if the romance considered is with a person who has strong placements in Sagittarius (like Mars, Venus, and Mercury).
Eight of Wands could also signify succeeding projects; just when you finish the current obligation, a new one will arise, and there’s no rest for the wicked. But the great news is that these new projects and obligations will be something to look forward to and something that will bring you a lot of productivity and excitement.
Reversed Meaning
When the Eight of Wands appears reversed in a career reading, it’s an ominous sign. It foretells stagnation, ill news, and disappointment. The saving grace is that his card is a fast one, so whatever it is, and no matter how negative it is – it’ll blow over and pass sooner rather than later.
It can signify canceled travel, and delays, trouble with paperwork, and a forgotten passport. So make sure you arrange and pack all of your documents neatly before heading out to the airport.
Conversely, this card can signify that you acted too hastily and that you blew your chance with impatience and excessive meddling in the affairs you should’ve left alone. The lesson is – next time, put more thought and planning into it, and act with modernity instead of excessiveness.