Upright Keywords:
Reversed Keywords:
Energetic, Vivacious, Strong, Courageous, Passionate, Funny, Independent, Confident, Optimistic, Outgoing, Assertive, Sexy, Chaotic, Hot tempered, Forgetful, Efficient, Accomplishing many tasks, Efficiency, Motherhood, Fertility, A lot of balls in the air, Helping others, Organising your life, Taking charge
Queens all represent different aspects of feminine energy; they are all mothers in different ways. Each suit aligns with a different element associated with the suit. The Queen of Cups is associated with the element of water, the Queen of Pentacles is associated with the earth, the Queen of Swords is associated with air, and the Queen of Wands is associated with fire.
Because of this, each Queen brings her own energy to the table. They are all representatives of the divine feminine and lead up to The Empress in the Major Arcana. The Empress is the most powerful presence in the deck: sexual, strong, fertile, independent, and loving. She is balanced, graceful, harmony. The Queens are all on their own journey to becoming her.
Upright Meaning
If you pull this card upright, that means you’re getting things done! You wait for no one; you depend on no one; you make your own moves. This is a card of strength and momentum forward. Whether it be a career focus or a personal life focus: you make your own decisions, and you make things happen for yourself.
The fertility in this card is most likely a symbolic ‘pregnancy’ of planting seeds and reaping the benefits of your hard work. The time is right for you to start to see the rewards of all your work.
Overall if you are looking to achieve a goal and pull this card upright, your goal is very attainable and very near to being completed!
Reversed Meaning
Even though the Queen of Wands may be reversed, she still symbolizes fertility and ambition; she is simply blocked. All those fiery energies of passion, self-motivation, and independence are muted by an outer or inner force. Take a look at what cards surround your reversed Queen of Wands. This problem will also be further explained by the reading you are doing.
Ask yourself these questions: am I holding myself back? Is someone else holding me back? Am I being true to myself? It’s also important to consider that a friend may need your support right now. Depending on the reading and your question, this Queen may not be you at all.