Upright Keywords:
New emotions and feelings , Awakenings, Intuition, Innate wisdom , Waking up to your intuitive gifts, Using your intuitive sight, Love, New beginnings regarding love, emotions, spirituality; Initiation regarding spirituality, Intuitive gifts
Reversed Keywords:
Loss (emotional), Stunted creative energy, Loss of love, Feeling down, Cold and hard-hearted, Emptiness, Need to let go
The water element rules this suit, this is not surprising considering the element of water is symbolic of our unconscious, and emotions. As with all cards and suits, there is a reverse meaning as well. And as you can imagine, if an upright cup card symbolizes intuition, then a reversed one will harken a disconnection to intuition or creativity. But although the suit will carry an association throughout all cards of the suit, each card will have an individual influential meaning as well.
The suit of cups itself is connected to the realm of the heart and all that is associated with it. From feelings and emotions to creativity and intuition, the suit of cups is your suit of romance and imagination.
Every suite has an archetype. In fact, even the major arcana cards each have their own archetype that they symbolize. When reading tarot cards, it’s important to remember that it’s our association with these archetypes that fill in the gaps. In the minor arcana, we see how each suit resonates with an archetype. The Suit of Cups is the archetype of emotions and encompasses the realm of feelings.
When you have a Cups card in your Tarot spread, it inclines you to draw your attention to the emotional nature of things. Sure, this can include the softer and more whimsical side of romance and love, and all the excitement that brings. But, it can also bring a message of worries, temptations, and disappointments.
The suit of cups draws the connection between the world of our feelings and emotions- a world some of us prefer to push back into a corner. This is when an Ace of Cups might show up in a reading.
The Cups are here to reminds us that our intuition is a gift to be used, and if we suppress our emotions then the dam wall will eventually give way.
Let’s take a closer look at the herald for the suit of cups, The Ace of Cups.
Upright Meaning
Across all suits, the Ace is the harbinger. It is the exclamation point that gives a steadfast tone to the suit. With the suit of cups, the ace is bringing your attention to your feelings. The pain you’ve been holding onto can be released now. Allow yourself to let go of the past, and focus your attention on your innate creative nature.
It can also be an encouragement to reconnect with your inner child. Allow yourself to feel that innocent joy. Bear witness to the love and support that is a constant force throughout life, and you will begin to see emotional fulfillment and healings.
It can also herald a sudden change of heart. Whether it’s your heart or someone else’s, pay attention. The Ace of Cups can also signal the arrival of new birth, whether that be maternal pregnancy or the birth of something new. Reversed, it can be a rebellious card signaling revolution, a change of heart, or a time of isolation where you need to refill your cup.
Now that we have the imagery on the card explained, let’s dive deeper into the meaning that could come withdrawing an upright Ace of Cups.
Reversed Meaning
When you draw the Ace of Cups in the upright position, we see how it connects to love and the outer world- our relationships, friendships, opportunity, etc. But in the reversed position, this love is a reflection of the inner world and the love we reflect back to ourselves. Drawing a reversed Ace of Cups could signal that it’s time to give yourself some love before you can send love to the world. The more you feel the divine love for yourself, coming from Source or the Divine, the more you can allow that flow to guide you through life.
There is a clear correlation between the Ace of Cups and the subconscious and intuition. When the reversed Ace of Cups is drawn, it shows your connection to your intuition is strong. This is an inward time for you, where you are exploring this intuitive attunement and seeing how it works in your life.
However, we know by now that there are various directions a card can take. A reversed Ace of Cups is also a warning that you are not in tune with your intuition, perhaps holding back your feelings and emotions. You might be in a state of withdrawal, and isolating yourself. There is an element of privacy you want to keep- and are avoiding revealing your inner emotions and vulnerability to others.
It could be because you are concerned that if you let one little feeling slip out of your tightly bound soul, you might unravel. But the Ace of Cups is here to tell you that the healing is in the unraveling. It’s okay to let yourself be vulnerable, you don’t have to rely on stoicism- you can feel, and you can share your inner turmoil with others. The tighter you hold onto the emotions, the more repressed your feelings. And sooner or later, the dam will break, causing far more damage than it’s worth.
You don’t have to connect with other people to share your feelings. You can use any of the creative arts to express what’s written in your heart. Whether that is journaling, dancing in your kitchen in between dishes, or even driving out to the middle of nowhere and letting it all out, that is okay. Find what you’re comfortable with, there is no right or wrong.
The reversed Ace of Cups could also be telling you that you are wasting your gifts, as the image clearly depicts water pouring out from the cup. Perhaps you are feeling like you’ve hit a stumbling block as if your resources or creativity is dried up. You could be feeling exhausted, spent, and empty. The reversed Ace of Cups brings you a message of hope, you get to decide who is in control of your cup. It’s time to see how it emptied, and what you need to do to fill it up again.