Upright Keywords:
Childhood, Nostalgia, Wonder. Happiness, Joy, Traditions, In touch with your inner child, Innocence
Reversed Keywords:
Forgiving, Stuck in the past, Not in touch with your inner child, Fear of being judged, Moving from your comfort zone, Achieving independence
The suit of Cups has to do with love and human relationships but also psychic intuition and the subconscious. The Cups and the element of water challenge us to delve into the unknown within ourselves in order to confront the best and the worst of our inner workings.
Cups are also referred to as chalices, vessels, and cauldrons, amongst other things. The name they are referred to as varies with the Tarot deck, the artist, and their chosen expression.
Cups are associated with the element of water and therefore are also associated with the water signs of the zodiac or astrological calendar. Those three signs are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. If you pull this card in any tarot reading, you should stop and reflect if any water signs are involved in your question.
The Six of Cups specifically relates to Scorpio: the fixed or, in other words, most stubborn of the water signs. Scorpio stands in frozen water: immobile and resistant to change. All of the fixed signs have these personality traits.
As far as the Cups suit having to do with love and relationships, relationships come in all shapes and forms, so these are not necessarily all romantic cards or interpretations. The suit of Cups will apply to your relationship with yourself, your loved ones, and even your enemies. Pay attention to the cards around it and remember what you asked the deck before jumping to romantic conclusions.
The Sixes in Tarot decks often refer to support, charity and giving.
Because the Sixes follow the Fives, which are the struggle cards of each Minor Arcana suit, the Sixes can indicate a period of exhaustion. Pulling Six means you’ve experienced the emotional, mental, and physical drain of a Five and therefore need to lean on others for help.
Of course, this could also be indicating a person nearby needs your help too. If you haven’t experienced struggle recently and pull a Six, take a moment to think if anyone around you might need your support right now. If they do, the Tarot card is telling you to offer your help.
Upright Meaning
Pulling the Six of Cups upright in any reading is not necessarily negative, but it’s no place to stay because it can indicate living in the past. While it’s okay to reminisce, it’s not okay to delve too much into childhood nostalgia, and it can prevent you from living in the present.
The Six of Cups can be telling you that you’re reminiscing too much. Do you feel your happiest days are behind you? If so, it’s time to stop and look forward. More blessings are coming, but they won’t if you’re not present.
The Six of Cups upright could also be telling you that you’re in touch with your inner child. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re still living up to your adult duties. This card easily signifies being naive so take caution from it if you feel as though it’s possible someone near you could take advantage of your trusting nature.
No matter where you pull this card, even if it signifies something positive for you, it is laced with the warning of living in the past.
Reversed Meaning
The reversed Six of Cups in a reading is also trying to usher you along. This Tarot card blocked, though, can also be telling you that you’ve done a good job at revisiting the past enough to forgive and forget.
If the Six of Cups is reversed, it could be telling you that you are no longer in touch with your inner child. This is a danger zone; being in touch with that pure innocence is healthy, and without it, you can become numb and cruel.
The Six of Cups reversed could also indicate that you are unwilling to aid someone near you. Sixes are charity cards, remember so if this is blocked, it is telling you that support is not coming your way or you are not giving it where it is needed.