Upright Keywords:
Heartbreak, Loneliness, Vulnerability, Trauma, Grief, Emotional pain, Emotional release
Reversed Keywords:
Self-hatred, Repression, Suppression
Release, Compromise, Reconciliation
Upright Meaning
Since the sword suit is mostly concerned with tools of the mind, like thoughts and words, over actions, the hurt that has caused this card to show up in a Tarot spread is often most likely due to the words or perceived thoughts of another.
Contrary to popular belief, the Three of Swords is not a herald of upcoming heartbreak – tarot is for reading energies of the present moment and cannot tell the future. When the Three of Swords card shows up, it is pointing to issues you have dealt with in the past that you are still holding on to.
Reversed Meaning
In a love-specific reading, Three of Swords showing up reversed can point to an issue with internalizing your partner’s behaviors or words. Attachment issues may be surfacing, causing you to see an ulterior motive in your partner’s every move. You could be paranoid that they are cheating on you or that they are going to leave you when really these negative thoughts are coming up because that is where your mind is.
Examine the deeper internal processes that may be coming up for you right now, rather than placing blame on your partner’s actions or showcasing a feeling of betrayal and heartache. If you are single, you could be feeling sorry for yourself because of a past partner’s actions or internalizing rejection as a sign that you are unlovable or will never have a relationship. Just know that these feelings will pass. Remember this: “their rejection is your protection.”