Upright Keywords:
Theft, Deception, Trickery, Manipulation, Lies, Getting Away With It, Cunningness
Reversed Keywords:
Giving Up, Giving In, Being Honest, Starting Again, Coming Clean, Conscience, Confession, Aimlessness
According to Numerology, all numbers have energy and meaning. When we are learning the Tarot, we can also learn about what the different numbers might mean for us.
The number 7 is strongly associated with awakening, potential, and ambition. It reminds us of our deep desire for knowledge and understanding and warns us of unexpected events that may come our way.
Upright Meaning
The Seven of Swords is a pretty obvious warning from the universe. Traditionally, it is seen as the thief card and is asking you to protect your belongings. Are there people in your life that you don’t trust? Perhaps they seem cunning, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? The Tarot is telling you to listen to your intuition.
In a broader sense, the Seven of Swords can refer to the stealing of ideas, goals, and dreams. It suggests that you are being blind to someone’s trickery and deception and are being taken advantage of. It is time to think smart and wake up to the situation you are in. Use your intellect and stay wise to those around you.
The Seven of Swords might also be referring to you as the trickster. Are you being sneaky in a certain situation and are lying to those close to you? Are you being manipulative to get what you want?
The universe is reminding you that the truth will come out, so you need to address the lies that you have been telling! Being dishonest to get what you want might seem a good idea at the time, but it will only cause issues for you in the long run. It is time to come clean and tell the truth.
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the Seven of Swords will often refer to your own attitudes. It may be demanding you to come clean to those around you that you have not been truthful to and to start over with a new outlook on life.
Your conscience is calling you, and you are feeling a bit regretful right now. You have not been fair to both yourself and those close to you. It is time to turn things around and start again, confessing your mistakes and learning how to fix them.
The reversed Seven of Swords appearing in a Tarot spread also suggests that you are prone to giving up too easily. You don’t seem to know your true strength and intelligence, and this is disrupting your life’s journey. It is time to change your attitude and discover what you need to do in order to succeed.
When reversed, the Seven of Swords suggests that there is an aimlessness to your life right now. You feel as if there is no real passion for what you are doing, and this is harming your life’s journey. Don’t worry, because you can change this and realize your potential!