Upright Keywords:
Feeling trapped, Restricted, Backed into a corner, Hands tied, Victimised, Paralysed by fear/terror, Anxiety, Feeling pressure, Hopeless, Helpless , Powerless, Silenced, Crisis, Dilemma, Drama, Imprisonment, Punishment, Slavery, Persecution, Judgement, Trial by jury, Consequences, Negative Attitudes, Psychological issues, Major weight-loss
Reversed Keywords:
Escape, Freedom, Release , Finding solutions/ options, Relief, Taking control, Standing up to abuse, Self-belief, Survivor, Sacing fears/ truth, Releasing anxiety, Hopeful, Empowered, Healing, Mental strength, Clear mind, Overcome obstacles, Prison release, End of punishment, Severe depression, Paralysis, Oppression, Surrender,
Upright Meaning
In a general context, the Eight of Swords can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. It signifies fear, terror, anxiety and psychological issues. It is a Minor Arcana card of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution and being silenced or censored. You will be feeling the pressure when this appears and may be in crisis or going through a dilemma or drama. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! This card also represents consequences and judgement which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment.
Reversed Meaning
In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. You may be feeling clear minded, empowered, mentally strong and hopeful when this card appears in your Tarot spread. This card indicates that you may find you are ready for healing, to ask for help and to overcome obstacles. It can also represent release from prison and the end of a punishment. However, on the flip side the Eight of Swords reversed card can be an indication of extreme oppression, surrendering to pressure or being completely paralysed by fear and severe depression.