Upright Keywords:

Hard work, Harvest, Ambition, Momentum forward, Planning for future, Success, Commitment, Skillful, High standards

Reversed Keywords:

Rushed work, Lazy, Low standards, Unambitious, Lack of forethought, Lack of commitment, No skill, Cutting corners

The number eight in the Tarot can be generally described as a call to action card but also a card of balance and strength, as the Major Arcana that is an eight is Strength itself.

On its side, an eight is the infinity symbol, which, like all things in the Tarot, is meaningful. This shows us a balance and a never-ending cycle. If you pull an eight, ask yourself if you feel trapped in a cycle or feel like you’re thriving in a cycle.

Upright Meaning

It’s time to be like the man on this card; get your workbench and start working! You’ve made a plan, and you have all the pieces of your project; now it’s just time to sit down and get the work done. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but it means things are lining up well for a promising outcome.

Remember that eights are connected to balance too. The work you’re doing will also be tied to achieving a more healthy balance in your life and current situation. I warn you to not get lost in the work and disregard important relationships.

This card may also be indicating that you will be getting a new investor or a loan to help you with a project. Great news, but spend it responsibly. Every penny counts when you’re working on a passion project or professional project. In this case, because we are dealing with Pentacles, the outcome of this project could be great financial gain. That large house in the distance of this card could be yours someday if you play your cards right. (Pun most definitely intended.)

I advise you to maintain your long-term focus and vision. Continue to prioritize and be frugal. Your journey is not over.

If you pull this card upright, it’s positive but not necessarily easy. It’s a hopeful push into the future and the next step for you. I say ‘hopeful’ because the future is uncertain, but the pieces of success have been put in place for you – by you – to succeed down the line. Don’t stop now; your future is bright!

Reversed Meaning

If you pull the Eight of Pentacles reversed, it means you’re slacking. You might be feeling lazy right now; you might even think you’re getting away with it. I’ve got news for you: you’re not. You may feel like being lazy at work only hurts the employer and not you, but by not working towards your full potential, you’re hurting yourself as well as the employer.

It might be time to switch jobs and find something more interesting and challenging for you. It might be time to cut back on your full-time job and focus on your side hustle. Does that inspire you? Should you be devoting more time to it? I think so!

This could also indicate that your job as a whole is a dead-end job. You may be a manager, but you’ll never be more. You also may never even have the opportunity to be a manager. Does that sit well with you? If you aspire to more, it’s time to leave and work towards those goals. The work the cards are asking you to put in may not be about the job, it may be about looking for a new job.