Upright Keywords:
Goal setting, Manifestation, Ambitious, Loyal, Dependable, New beginnings, Financial growth, Planning, Learning opportunities, Consistency
Reversed Keywords:
Aimless, Lazy, Unhealthy, Immature, Unreliable, Avoids responsibility, Underachieving, Frustrated, Not motivated, Poor prospects
Pages in all suits are primarily seen as messengers. They highlight often highlight either current or potential change, which when upright is mostly positive.
They may be the lowest ranking court card, but Pages are still very special. They stand on the edge of two realms, acting as the link between the ordinary, everyday aspects of life and the nobility’s powerful, privileged, confident, and achieving world.
In a tarot reading, a Page card represents beginnings or new starts. Despite the symbol being a young person, the Page simply represents newness, so there’s no need to assume youth features in the reading.
Along with the positive things Page cards bring to a tarot spread, such as confidence, hope, and opportunity, there are some negatives to be aware of too. These include the effects inexperience and lack of focus may have on potential outcomes.
In a tarot reading, court cards can represent either the person the reading is for or someone else. When reading for yourself think about how the Page makes you feel.
If the messages you receive bring strong emotions like excitement or fear, they are probably about you. If it all leaves you cold then this information concerns someone else.
Upright Meaning
Revealing the Page of Pentacles in its upright form creates an instant upbeat atmosphere. It tells us of abundance, positive prospects, and ambition that can be manifested through effort. The strong connections between the earth and the Page remind us that growth is a process, a journey.
We see that future success depends on planning and nourishing our dreams so they can flourish. This way, they follow the same process as a plant or crop in a field, depending on nature’s cycle to thrive.
When you turn the Page of Pentacles, it’s time to start sowing seeds of your own. Be careful here; it’s not always that easy. Getting something started depends on trust, self-belief, and vision, as the Page shows while gazing at the pentacle. However, there’s also plenty of hard work ahead, so be prepared and be willing.
In a tarot spread, the upright Page of Pentacles is more about manifesting your dreams and getting started than about getting a glimpse of the outcomes. So keep things current and don’t try to run before you can walk.
Reversed Meaning
When a tarot card reveals a reversed image, don’t just assume it has a negative meaning; it’s not as simple as that. None of the tarot images in reversed cards are full of fun, but they do have plenty to teach us.
In the reverse position, the Page of Pentacles generally represents possible missed opportunities. Sometimes it acts as an early warning system, offering you the chance to change things up. At others, it helps you to reflect on mistakes and identify their causes.
The takeaway message has to be:
Concentrate more.
Plan ahead.
Don’t rush blindly into things.
Take time to secure one level before adding more on top.
There’s no escaping it; reversed cards force you to face the truth. Although many factors may have contributed to your problems, ultimately, you must own them, learn from them, and work things out. That is the route to a successful future.