Upright Meaning:

When it comes to love, The Hierophant suggests a time for commitment and conventional loving values. If you are in a relationship, this card signifies a time of stability and growth within the partnership. Because The Hierophant is a card of tradition and institution, it suggests that marriage might be on the horizon. The next stage of your relationship is definitely on the horizon!

It also reminds us of the spirituality of love. Love is where two souls connect and we must treat it as sacred. The Hierophant wants you to remember to treat your partner with respect and care. It is time to celebrate love and how sacred it is!

If you are single and The Hierophant pops up in a love reading, it suggests that you and your potential partner must share common values and beliefs to succeed in your relationship. When meeting new people, you must get to know who they really are before you jump into anything!

Reversed Meaning:

If you are in a relationship or single, the reversed Hierophant has the same message. Are you happy and fulfilled, or are you just following societal norms in regards to love and relationships?

Do you feel pressured into settling down and getting married? If you are single, perhaps your friends and family are bugging you into getting into a relationship. The Tarot is asking you to work out if this is something you actually want. If you are wanting a relationship, you must look into your heart to figure out what type of relationship you want. It may be non-conventional and go against the expectations of others. But, if this is what will make you happy, you need to follow your heart!

If you are in a relationship, the Tarot is telling you that you must go at your own pace and do your relationship the way you and your partner want to do it! Friends and family might be telling you that you should be doing certain things and hitting certain relationship milestones, but this is just making you feel under pressure! If you and your partner are happy together, that is all that matters.