Upright Meaning:
When it comes to love, the Star is welcoming change and newness. Past wounds and baggage in relationships are soon to healed, with a fresh optimistic view coming your way.
Past relationships have caused you pain, and you are still holding onto the anxieties and fears that these relationships have left you. Of course, this is understandable. When we have been hurt, we begin to close our hearts off from love, resigning to being single and alone. However, the Star is signifying a change to these beliefs. You are opening a new door in your life, welcoming in a fresh way of understanding. You will cast off the negativity and preconceptions that past relationships have left you. You will soon be full of hope and excitement for new ways of loving.
If you are in a relationship, the Star will often appear after a time of difficulty in the relationship. There may have been a situation for you and your partner that you sometimes feel as if you can’t get over. Resentment has taken hold.
However, with the Star shining down on you and your partner, you are on the cusp of a revival of hope and love. It is time to let go of your past problems and enter a new phase of loving.
Reversed Meaning:
A reversed Star card will often pop up in a love reading when somebody needs a bit of a wake-up call! If you are single and looking for a relationship, a reversed Star card is asking you to take a look at yourself and your attitudes towards love.
Some things have happened in the past that have made you cynical. You have begun to forget about the magic of love and there is a part of you that has just given up! Deep down, you are wanting love. However, this is hard right now with your lack of faith in the universe. You must allow yourself to let go of the past and bring new hope into your life. Everyone deserves love, and love is a beautiful and wonderful thing! So, take time to work through your issues and let go of the things that have hurt you.
If you are in a relationship, a reversed Star card will appear when you are being negative towards your partner. You may feel as if some of the romance has gone, and feel resentful towards them. But, it takes two to keep the magic alive! Be spontaneous and try new things with your partner and this will renew the love you have for each other. Remember why you are with them, and let your love blossom again!