Upright Meaning:

When it comes to love, the Sun is a wonderful card to receive! If you are in a relationship, this card suggests that a time of happiness and enjoyment is coming up for you both. Perhaps things have been a bit difficult recently, with practical issues causing friction in your relationship. But, the Sun allows you to enter a new, relaxed phase of your relationship.

It is a time to remember all the wonderful things about your partner and to celebrate your love together. Any issues will soon be resolved, and romance will get a new lease of life.

If you are single, getting the Sun in a love reading suggests that romance may bloom! Keep sending out positive vibes into the world and you soon will get it back. Keep being you and allow yourself to be carefree when it comes to love. Your next relationship will be a lot of fun!

Reversed Meaning:

When a reversed Sun card appears in a love reading, it suggests that you are finding it hard to enjoy your love life right now. If you are in a relationship, this might mean that you are bored or fed up with your partner. This is not really their fault! You may just have forgotten all the good things about your partner, choosing to focus on the negativity instead.

The Tarot is asking you to make up your mind about your partner and see if you can move through this difficult time together. The grass is always greener, but remember to be grateful for what you have. It is time to bring back the romance!

If you are single, the reversed Sun suggests that you have an idea of love that nobody can really compete with. It seems that nobody is good enough for you, with potential partners always disappointing you in some way or another. You need to ask yourself; is this their fault or mine? Nobody is perfect and a relationship might not be the fairytale romance you have dreamt of. But it is better than a fairytale because it is real!