Upright Meaning:
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Seven of Wands tells you that you have some challenges coming up and if you want your relationship to go the distance you are going to have to fight for it. This challenge may come from inside the relationship in the form of you or your partner trying to blame each other for issues. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that your relationship is under attack from third parties and that you need to protect and defend it. You will need to maintain control, hold your own and be determined. Don’t let others ruin what you have.
If you are single, the Seven of Wands suggests that if you are interested in someone you are going to have to fight for them. There may be serious competition for this person’s affection and if you allow yourself to sink into the background, you may get overlooked.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Seven of Wands reversed is not a great omen as it shows you quitting, giving up or letting go in the face of challenges coming up. Again, if you want your relationship to go the distance you are going to have to fight for it. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that you are failing to protect and defend your relationship or partner from people outside the relationship such as family and friends. If you love your partner you must put a united front out to the word. Don’t let other people come between you or undermine your relationship. On the flip side, if you and your partner have been arguing a lot, this card would see you finding common ground and compromising. If you are single, the Seven of Wands reversed suggests that you may be too timid to go for the person you like. You are allowing yourself to be overshadowed by others.
If you like this person, be courageous and just tell them! On the flip side, this card reversed can see you being too forward to the point of being pushy and overbearing. If you have be doggedly pursuing someone without success, take a little step back, give them breathing room and let them come to you.