Upright Meaning:
Since Cups are such an emotional suit, oftentimes, when they show up, they are speaking to a romantic relationship. If you are currently partnered, this tarot card upright can indicate that you are in a rut in your relationship.
You may be feeling bored or unsupported. You could find yourself focusing on all the negative things in your relationship or even daydreaming about a past partner.
Alternatively, you could be so absorbed in your relationship that you are unaware of or uninterested in what is being offered to you outside of it.
If you are single, this card could signal that you are emotionally unavailable at this point in time and not ready to start a new relationship, even if there is one on offer.
Since romantic relationships are the focal point of so many people’s lives, it can come as a surprise that you are actually not available for one emotionally. This card‘s appearance is an invitation to get curious as to what may need to be released in order for you to be ready for a relationship.
This card may also indicate that you are focusing so much on why your past relationships didn’t work out that you are unable to recognize when new opportunities may be on offer. However, don’t worry that you will lose out on something important – if it is meant for you, it will not ever truly be out of your reach. This card is asking you to focus on yourself right now so that you can come to this opportunity with an open, clear heart.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love reading, you may be focusing on all the positive aspects of your relationship and feeling ready to move on to the next step with your partner. If you have been going through a rough patch, the skies may be clearing, or at least, something is signaling inside of you that you are ready to move on.
That could mean a renewal of vows or commitment, and it could also mean that you move on from the relationship altogether in an amicable way. If you are single, this reversal can mean that you are ready to bring your focus to a relationship and to take any opportunities you can to get to know somebody better. This could also mean you are focusing on your past relationships to the degree that is unhealthy – you will know the correct meaning when it comes to you.