Upright Meaning:
Choosing the 6 of Swords for a love reading may make you nervous, but there’s no need. It doesn’t automatically mean you are about to face a breakup or anything equally dramatic. This Tarot card can also be about sorting things out and moving forward to a place where you are happier than before.
The 6 of Swords represents the end of an upset. Related to love, this could mean overcoming jealousy, rebuilding trust, and making a troublesome relationship work. On the other hand, it may warn you of a love connection that is about to end completely. Perhaps you need closure after a messy breakup or to accept that your marriage is beyond saving.
Suppose a current romantic relationship has been fiery and unsettled. In that case, the upright 6 of Swords can signal a more stable, light-hearted journey lies ahead.
For single people, the upright 6 of Swords may represent the healing of old emotional scars, leaving you free to move forward with a new love interest. It’s finally time to ditch the past and enjoy love again.
Reversed Meaning:
When the reversed 6 of Swords pops up in a Tarot love reading, the primary message it brings is that you need to let things go. This card is all about the influence people and events of the past have on your present. This isn’t always easy, as you probably struggle to cut ties, even when you really want to.
This card isn’t just about hiding behind barriers created to protect you after being badly let down or ignoring divorce papers because you want to make a struggling marriage work. People also get stuck in the memories of a very happy love connection and feel guilty about moving on and creating new, happy memories.
The good news is that the reversed 6 of Swords in a love context can be the push you need to make positive steps forward. To cut a dying relationship down so fresh opportunities can blossom in the space created. It can also trigger personal growth and help you repair a broken connection that can actually be saved.