Upright Meaning:

If you pull this card upright in a love reading, it is a good thing. It means you’re getting a return on your investment — which sounds weird in a love reading but stay with me!

This card in a love reading upright shows me that your partner gives you what you give them. You each take care of each other, and you know that if you are supporting them while they recover from a layoff or finish up school, they would and will do the same for you down the line. It’s an equal partnership.

Furthermore, this Tarot card is telling me you have a good relationship with strong long-term potential. You can really build something with this person. And remember that this is a tangible build, so your future with this person has financial stability.

Reversed Meaning:

If this card is reversed in a love reading, you’ve probably been putting in more work than you feel you’re going to get out of it. Things may have initially looked like they could be long-term with this person, but the more time passes, the more you lack a future with this person.

Don’t fear losing your relationship; relationships change. This card presenting itself reversed in your love reading is telling you that you’re putting in more than you’re getting back. That relationship with anything — be it a person or a job or a hobby — isn’t worth holding on to.