Upright Meaning:
Pentacles are earth signs and do not usually have to do with matters of the heart as Cups are. If you pull the King of Pentacles in a love reading, this could be the object of your affection. Keep your eyes and heart open for a person of means, of accomplishment, a person who can take care of themselves and you.
This card could also be referring to you in this reading. Are you the breadwinner in your relationship? Do you take care of yourself, your partner, your pets, and/or your children? Pay attention to the cards surrounding this for more clues as to what the Tarot is trying to tell you. This is not a bad thing, the card is upright after all!
Reversed Meaning:
If this card is reversed in a love reading, your future partner or current partner is not this stable, caretaker of a king. The masculine energy is blocked, there is an inability or unwillingness to move forward. Do you feel as though your partner has more abilities than their ambition allows? Do you feel that maybe they’re just focusing their energy in the wrong places? Are they creative and talented yet terrible with money?
This card reversed begs you to ask these questions. This could be about your partner but it could also be about you. Are you carrying your weight in your relationship? Are you expecting others to take care of you?