Symbolism & Imagery:

The Six of Cups depicts two young people: a young boy and a girl, the girl a bit younger than the boy. The boy leans over to give the little girl a gift of a cup filled with white flowers. This is a gesture of passing on traditions.

White symbolizes innocence and purity, and the green in the Cups also represents a connection to the earth. The boy is handing the little girl a bounty, a gift, and something without ulterior motives. This is a pure gift of love and tradition.

Around them is a lot of yellow, connecting them to the higher consciousness. The boy and girl both wear a little bit of blue, tying them to the element of water and the subconscious and the sky itself is a light blue.

The boy’s hood and pants are red, as are the little girl’s shoes. Red represents fire and ambition. The red being on the little girl’s feet shows her journey is just beginning. The young boy has already had a bit of a journey. His boots are orange, as is her hood, showing challenges in their future. Right now, though, they are pure, innocent, and safe.

Behind them is a quiet town, signifying security and stability as it is in good condition with an adult guarding it. This is a rare moment in childhood where everything is perfectly alright. The future and the present are both bright for these two and for whoever drew this card upright.