Symbolism & Imagery:
The King of Cups sits on a gray, minimalist throne. While other thrones in the Tarot deck tend to be ornate and have intricate engravings, this throne stands out as strikingly simple. This is because what the King of Cups desires is within him, as symbolized by his blue cloak.
Blue symbolizes the subconscious realm, and this King is swimming in blue. This makes sense because he’s a Cup, and Cups are connected to the element of water. Blue is also all around him in the waves his throne is surrounded with.
The waves and his cloak are also peppered with the color yellow, connecting this King to the higher conscious. His shoes are also yellow, and they are both firmly planted on the ground, showing him as grounded but not on the earth. This King is more ethereal; he has no green on or around him. He is not connected to the earth because he is too busy being connected to water and air. Indeed, this King is also associated with Aquarius, an air sign.
In the background is a red ship, signifying an ambitious journey. Ambition comes from the color red and journey because boats are vessels of exploration and travel. The presence of this ship is telling you that this King’s work is not done; he has more growing to do before he becomes The Emperor.
Finally, a fish jumps on the left of the King, symbolizing Pisces, his most closely related zodiac sign. Pisces are the old souls of the zodiac; they are capable of great intuitive psychic abilities and are extremely emotionally intelligent. This King possesses those qualities as well.