Symbolism & Imagery:
I think that the Two of Swords is one of the most striking cards of many Tarot decks. There is something deeply disturbing about its imagery but also extremely relatable. We have all been in a position of confusion and difficulty.
The Two of Swords shows a woman sitting on a stool by a body of water. In her hands are two swords, which she crosses across her chest. She is holding them upwards as a sign of defiance. Her heart is protected by her weapons, but she is blindfolded. Her lack of sight suggests a feebleness to her stance. She seems confident and collected but lacking an important sense.
Interestingly, her hands are free and unbound, suggesting that she could take her blindfold off if she so wishes. She is perhaps taking a moment to collect her thoughts and tap into her unconsciousness. She sees in other ways, using her intuition and intellect to guide her.
The body of water behind her contains rocks and islands, reflecting obstacles in the woman’s path. The crescent moon in the sky above represents cycles and femininity. Of course, times can be tough, and there will be difficult decisions and obstacles in our way to happiness, but listening to our intuition and our mind will help us guide ourselves forward.