Symbolism & Imagery:
The King of Pentacles is sitting on his throne: a place of authority and leisure but also responsibility. In his left hand, his receptive hand, he holds his pentacle or his coin. He receives financial stability from this pentacle. In his right hand, his projective hand, he holds his staff of authority. Both are yellow, more on that later.
The King of Pentacles is surrounded by bulls on his throne because he is associated with the earth sign Taurus in the astrological calendar. This makes him stubborn, ambitious, and confident. He says what he means and he means what he says.
The colors in the Tarot deck are very important. Green adorns the king with vines on his cloak and at his feet, growing up the side of his throne. This is another symbol of the earth element in this card. This king has his feet firmly planted: he is grounded, centered, stable.
Behind him, hints of blue representing the element of water pepper the background and the one armored foot we can see. Because of its association with water, blue represents the subconscious mind. Blue being present in this card signifies the King of Pentacles’ relationship with the subconscious mind as well as his relationship with earthly gains.
The king’s sky, like his pentacle and staff, is yellow. Yellow symbolizes growth. It is also associated with higher consciousness and the element of air.
Finally, the King of Pentacles is adorned with red grapes. Red is the color of the element of fire and therefore passion and sexual energy. Grapes remind us of a life of leisure, accomplishment, and relaxation. They are celebratory.
The presence of all these colors tells us that the King of Pentacles may be an earth sign, but he masters all the elements.
Behind him is his castle. He has built this himself and he has earned it. Now he wants to share it with his loved ones and help them achieve their goals as he has achieved his. His doors are open.