Upright Meaning:

When the Justice Tarot card appears in a career reading, it suggests that any issues of unfairness in your workplace will soon be resolved. If you have been honest and respectful towards your coworkers, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if you have been involved in workplace drama and conflict, you may soon be facing repercussions.

The Justice card is also about balance, so it can also appear in a career reading when you need to address your work-life balance. Are you too involved in your career and forgetting to take time to enjoy yourself? Perhaps your friends or family feel distant from you right now because you are always so busy in the office?

Take time out of your workplace to enjoy your loved ones and pursue your hobbies. Work is important to you, but it isn’t everything!

In regards to money, the Justice card is telling you to be careful with your finances. Frugality will help you long-term right now.

Reversed Meaning:

When the Justice Tarot card is reversed in a career reading, it suggests that there is corruption and deceit in your place of work. It is down to you to work out where this is coming from. You may be treating other people unfairly, or you may not be speaking up when you see someone not being treated right.

It is important to address these issues as soon as you can, but you must do so in a calm matter. Be respectful and constructive when discussing your opinions. Doing this will allow your workplace to regain balance and equality and make it a great environment to be in!

In regards to money, the reversed Justice card is telling you to be cautious with your money, especially with other people. Don’t lend or borrow anything right now, and try and be as frugal as possible.