Upright Meaning:
When this shows up upright in a career reading it foretells of great things! It means that you are going on a well-deserved vacation or paid leave and that you’re going to have a great time. It’s also a solid omen of your hard work being paid off, whether through money or promotion, depends on the surrounding cards.
When it shows up in a career reading it tells that you have a good collective, excellent work atmosphere and good colleagues who’re willing to work well with you. It can also foretell a work gathering/celebration where you’ll have a good time and active team-building activities.
Whenever it shows up in a career reading it foreshadows great times, cause for celebration and success.
Reversed Meaning:
When it shows up reversed it foretells of a collective disbalance and lack of harmony; there might be a lot of opposing wills and energies at your work, and you might be feeling them all quite intensely. Conversely, there could be a simmering build-up of a fight that will create discord within your collective, and you’ll witness it all.
This card can also mean that you feel isolated or lonely at work and that it’s time to work on your coworker relationships in order to create a more pleasant and creative surrounding for yourself. Four of Wands reversed is indicating that you have trouble with confidence and faith in yourself and your capabilities, trust yourself more.
This card showing up reversed can also mean that a team-building trip is going to be cancelled, or that a planned celebration at work is going to be counterproductive. Instead of creating stronger bonds and a friendlier atmosphere, the event will backfire.