Upright Meaning:

When the Eight of Wands appears in a money reading, it’s a great sign for it signifies that you will receive a sudden surge of money. A shipment that will come by air will have a ‘little extra’ in it.

Your passion for your work and dedication to your hustle will pay off, your effort and will be recognized, and you’ll receive a big tip, or a sudden client who needs your help will appear.

It’s a win-win situation when Eight of Wands appears in a money reading, for it’s not only suggesting that you will receive the money you require but also praise and good comments will follow you around for the good work you did.

Reversed Meaning:

 When the Eight of Wands appears reversed, it signifies a sudden loss. It can also be an omen of losing your passport and ID together with your wallet. The sum of money you’ll lose is not big, and it won’t have everlasting consequences, but it is an omen of inconvenience and sudden troubles.

This card reversed also warns you against internet buying and overspending on silly things you don’t actually need. It’s directing you to examine your emotions deeper and take a closer look at what is making you so unsatisfied that you overspend money in order to compensate for what is lacking within you.

Conversely, it can indicate a missed opportunity for monetary gain. There’s a good lesson in this; you can retrace your steps and see what kind of chance you missed so it won’t happen again in the future.