Upright Meaning:
Career-wise, the Four of Cups upright can indicate that you are stuck on some aspect of your career that isn’t working out and unable to take on new opportunities at the moment. You could also be so focused on your career that you are ignoring your emotional needs or those of somebody in your life.
The same goes for finances – you could be so absorbed in your own hustle that you are ignoring the emotional sector of your life. Alternatively, you may be focusing on what you lack in terms of finances while unaware of opportunities that may be arising for you at this time.
Reversed Meaning:
The Four of Cups reversed in career signals new opportunities finally coming your way in the workplace, and also the fact that you are in a place where you can now recognize and accept these opportunities as they come.
Financially, the Four of Cups reversed signals new opportunities to be proactive in taking control of your finances. You’re most likely more focused on and appreciative of what you do have rather than focusing on what you don’t.