Upright Meaning:
In a career context, the Eight of Cups can indicate that you may walk away from a job that you no longer find fulfilling. You may be feeling like you are not on the correct career path and may be considering a complete career change. If you are in business, you may find yourself walking away from a business that is no longer viable or searching for new innovations or ideas to make your business competitive.
The Eight of Cups can also simply indicate traveling in relation to work. In a financial context, the Eight of Cups warns to make prudent financial plans and to be smart with your money. Be sure you are aware of what’s going on with your money and if you are not happy with your financial advisers don’t be afraid to let them go and hire someone you trust. In some cases the Eight of Cups can indicate a financial loss, look to supporting cards for confirmation.
Reversed Meaning:
In a career context, the Eight of Cups reversed indicates that your career may have become stagnant and unfulfilling to you but you are sticking with it because you are afraid to change. You may have not explored all the options available to you, instead choosing to accept your lot in life. When this card appears you need to be embrace change. If your career is unfulfilling to you, the only person who can change that is you, even if that means making a total change in career path.
Be brave and go for what you want. Even if you don’t get everything you want, you will at the very least know that you tried. If you are self-employed, the Eight of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be holding onto a business that is no longer profitable for fear of letting it go. Similarly, in a financial context, it can signify clinging to a job or business that you should be walking away from because you are afraid losing the financial security it gives you.