Upright Meaning:
Things should be going great with the Nine of Cups in your career Tarot reading! It is a card of success, achievement and acclaim so whatever projects you are involved in should not only be going well but your success will get you noticed!
You can do anything you set your mind to so if you have been dreaming of a promotion or starting your own business, this card is a great omen for success. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups indicates abundance and prosperity so things should be going well in terms of money and investments. It is also a card of recognition and reward so you may find that you receive some sort of monetary reward or bonus for your hard work.
Reversed Meaning:
In a career context, the Nine of Cups reversed can indicate that your dream job or business may have turned into something of a nightmare. Maybe you have started your own business or landed the promotion you wanted but now find that it is not as fulfilling as you thought it would be or the workload is making you miserable. It may also indicate that you are struggling to find a career you like and feeling somewhat like a failure or an underachiever.
The Nine of Cups in a reversed position can also represent being overlooked for a promotion or position. It can signify that you are working as hard as you can but feel like you are not achieving what you wanted or your hard work is not being recognised. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups reversed can be a bad omen as you may find that promising investments or financial opportunities turn out to be disappointments.