Upright Meaning:
When the Ten of Cups appears in a career reading, it suggests that celebration in regards to your work life is on the horizon. Of course, the Ten of Cups is a very family-orientated Tarot card, but overall it represents success and celebration.
If you have been working hard in your career recently, the Ten of Cups suggests that you will soon reap the rewards of your diligence. You will find a reason to celebrate and to be proud of who you are. This celebration might not be huge, as it might just be a small success in your work-life. However, it is important to celebrate the small successes!
When it comes to money, the Ten of Cups is usually seen as a good sign. It ushers in a time of abundance and stability in your finances.
Reversed Meaning:
When appearing reversed in a career and money reading, the Ten of Cups signifies miscommunication and a lack of teamwork in the workplace. Perhaps you love your job, but currently, your coworkers are making it difficult for you. You may feel as if not everyone is doing their bit in order for the work to go smoothly, and this is causing conflict and resentment.
It is time to take initiative and begin to communicate with your coworkers. Politely let them know how you feel and ask them how they feel about the current work situation. Together, you can work out what the best course of action is in order for everyone to feel supported and respected.
In regards to money, the reversed Ten of Cups suggests that there might be a disruption to your finances and a threat to your financial security. Keep an eye on the pennies and make sure you are putting enough away to cover any future issues.