Upright Meaning:

If you pull the Queen of Cups upright in a career and money reading, it’s a good sign. This means you have a solid intuition and all you need to do is trust that.

This card in a career and money reading is also challenging you to ask if you are emotionally fulfilled at your current job. It may be the push you need to get into the career that would actually make you happy. Because Queens is such a nurturer, this could mean that you should get into a caregiving job. Have you always considered becoming a nurse or a nanny? Trust your gut, it will make you happier in your day-to-day life.

Queens and court cards in general are stable cards when upright. Therefore, pulling the Queen of Cups upright in a career and money reading is also telling me that you are financially stable right now. Stay focused, don’t go crazy with the extra cash.

Reversed Meaning:

If you pull the Queen of Cups reversed in a career and money reading, things are not super stable for you. When this Queen is upright in this reading, she shows financial stability, therefore when she is blocked, it shows a lack of financial stability.

The Queen of Cups reversed in a career and money reading is also indicating that things aren’t great at work. You take on a lot being empathetic, and it makes you bring your work home on an emotional level. This leads to a lot of emotional drains. You need to take better care of yourself and protect your emotional health.

This pattern will lead to creative blocks, as creativity is so tied to emotions.