Upright Meaning:
If the King of Cups is upright in your career and money reading, this is very good! Career-wise, you’re doing well because of your emotional intelligence and, therefore, people skills. People like working for you and with you and therefore they do better work.
Concerning money, you’re reaping the rewards of your hard work. You have strong morals, and you are recognized for doing well and working well with others. People like to put you in charge because you do good work. This is all earned financial stability, good for you!
Reversed Meaning:
Pulling the King of Cups reversed in a Tarot reading concerning career and money is not great. This card is telling you that your emotional responses and inability to manage your emotions are holding you back at work. You might be overly sensitive; you might be quick to a hot temper; whatever it is, you’re not handling it well. If you can learn to better manage your emotions, you will get the rewards you feel you deserve. People who don’t work well with others rarely move forward.
The King of Cups reversed could also be telling you that because of your poor management of emotions, you’re not earning the money you could be. This makes sense because if you’re not handling your emotions well, you’re not getting promoted and therefore not earning the money you could be earning.
The fact that the King of Cups showed up for you is good, though; you have potential, and you just need to tap into it. Put in some work with those emotions, and you’ll see a positive outcome!