Upright Meaning:

The upright Six of Swords is a positive sign offering lots of promise when it appears in a reading about money and work. Overall it represents financial security and stability, although there may be lessons to learn on the journey towards that outcome.

For your work prospects, the Six of Swords reassures you that any current stress patch will soon pass. So use that chilled-out air sign influence to stay off the radar and drift back into the calmer waters you see lies ahead of the people in the boat.

Meanwhile, what can you learn about money from this double-edged symbol? If you are burdened with debt, the upright 6 of swords aims to inspire you. Financially, things are set to improve for you, but you do need to make an effort.

Learn from the past to make a better future, and who knows what additional rewards will come your way!

Reversed Meaning:

When reversed in a career and money Tarot reading, the Six of Swords suggests you feel stuck or under-valued in your job or struggle financially. Either way, you are running away from the problem, probably because it’s hurtful and stressful to deal with.

Maybe it’s time for a change of career or at least a new job? If you have that kind of opportunity, this card is telling you to go for it. If you can’t do that, don’t panic. The reversed Six of Swords card is a reminder to evaluate your job. Are you happy? Can you continue doing it? If so, how can you improve things?

Regarding your money situation, again, this card reminds you that running away from problems doesn’t solve them. Take a close look at your spending, debts, and expenses, and ask for help to balance the books if you need it.