Upright Meaning:
When it comes to work, the Seven of Swords suggests that there are certain coworkers that you should not trust. You may already have an inkling of who these people might be, so listen to your gut and keep your wits about you.
Coworkers might be trying to sabotage your career, spreading lies about you in the workplace. Most likely, this is because they are jealous of your successes and wish to take credit for the work you do or undermine your position.
It is time to use your intellect to solve any issues in the workplace, so keep calm and think things through. Be strategic, and don’t let your emotions take over.
In regards to finances, the Seven of Swords is telling you that you need to be really careful right now as scams, lies, and trickery might be coming your way. Don’t worry too much, though–if you are smart and wary of those around you, you won’t find yourself in any trouble!
Reversed Meaning:
When reversed in a career reading, the Seven of Swords suggests that lies in the workplace will soon be revealed. If you have not been that truthful with those that you work with, your conscience will soon be telling you that you must confess.
Whatever happens, telling the truth is always the best way to move forward. You will be able to make amends and change for the good. You are a great worker and passionate about your career, so don’t do yourself wrong by being deceitful to those that you work with!
In regards to finances, the reversed Seven of Swords is reminding you that you must be clean with your money. If you are not honest with your finances, you can get in really big trouble!