Upright Meaning:
The Six of Pentacles Upright is generally positive in this position. There is a balance in your workplace, and your hard work is starting to be noticed and pay off. Similarly, in a financial reading, you can see that your hard work is paying off.
You could receive a financial reward or financial generosity from somebody else in a time of need. Inversely, you could be the one giving this financial generosity. The situation and surrounding cards will make this clear.
Reversed Meaning:
When Six of Pentacles comes out reversed in a career-specific reading, there may be uneven power dynamics at your job. You could be experiencing unemployment or be on the brink of unemployment.
Someone in a senior position could be abusing their power or exploiting their workers – if this is you, make sure to address any imbalances there may be in the workplace. As far as finances go, you could find yourself in debt or being taken advantage of financially due to your generous nature.