Upright Meaning:

It shouldn’t surprise you that the Nine of Pentacles upright in a career and money reading is very positive! Let’s talk about all the ways you’re doing well!

Firstly, you did a great job planning and getting yourself in line for a prosperous future. Good for you!

You’ve made a plan and you’ve made sure that’s great for your long-term goals and your long-term status. Then, you stuck to your plan. You worked at it every day and you made your goals a reality. This isn’t easy, so please give yourself the well-deserved credit.

You’ve built something great here, enjoy it!

Reversed Meaning:

If you pull the Nine of Pentacles reversed in a career and money reading, I’m sorry but things are not so good for your wallet or your career. You have not put together a solid plan for the future, and it’s starting to affect you.

You may have made a bad investment or two and the reason why comes back to you. You did not do the research thoroughly and therefore you made a bad choice. All you can do now is pull out and move on.

You may also be hitting walls at work. Maybe you have risen as high as you can get and stubbornly refuse to move on. Who are you helping by being stubborn like this? No one. Start looking for a new job or start putting together a plan for your own business if that’s something you’re interested in. No excuses.

Perhaps you’ve also been passed up for a promotion and don’t understand why. Allow me to tell you that it is entirely of your own doing. You haven’t been living up to your potential and your superiors see that. Stop putting in the bare minimum and start rising to the occasion. If you do that, next time, you may just get that promotion.