Upright Keywords:
Transformation, Change, Rebirth, Renewal, Endings, Transitions
Reversed Keywords:
Anxiety, Resistance, Stubbornness, Fear of Change, Repeating Mistakes
Upright Meaning
The Death card is a card of transformations. Everyone has so many lives in one lifetime. There are so many chapters to life and we are never the same person forever. Change is inevitable and necessary, and when the Death card pops up you know that a big change is imminent.
With death comes newness and rebirth. It is time to shake off the old you and embrace your new life, whatever it may be. The Tarot is asking you to let go of things that were holding you back and say goodbye to habits and behavior that were not serving you. It is time to put your past behind you and embrace the future.
Death is a powerful card, but do not feel afraid when it appears in your reading. In fact, I believe death to be one of the most positive cards of the major arcana. New opportunities, adventures, and possibilities are in front of you, and all negativity can be left behind. However, you yourself must remember to leave it behind.
The change that Death brings is outside of your control. It can be a sudden and unexpected change, but one that will ultimately lead you to where you need to be. Embrace the new direction that your life has taken and have fun!
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the Death card suggests that you are reluctant to change and are stuck with some really bad habits. Change is approaching but you are stubborn and ignoring what is happening. You may be anxious about the transformation you are putting off, but ultimately it will get you to where you need to be.
You should never resist the cosmic pull of the universe. It is normal to be afraid of the unknown, but the universe is directing you to where you need to be. You need to let go of things that are holding you back and embrace the transformation and change that is approaching.
You are still clinging to negative thoughts or attitudes that are holding you back, and you are not letting go of things that you need to leave in the past. This means that you are stuck in limbo, not able to move on but not able to go back to your old life. Change is a huge part of the world, and without change, life would not flourish.
The reversed Death card is telling you you must embrace the transformation that is calling you.