Upright Meaning:
Pulling the Seven of Cups in a health reading upright is telling me that you’re taking on too much. You try to balance too many things and that makes the balance an unrealistic goal.
I suggest that if you pull this card upright in a health reading you take a break and re-evaluate where your energy is going. You need to cut back on some responsibilities in order to be a healthier person. Also, look at your diet and exercise habits because poor balance can lead to poor treatments of our bodies.
Reversed Meaning:
The Seven of Cups reversed in a health reading is not terribly different from when it’s upright in a health reading. The overall message is that you’ve been doing too much, however, what you’ve been doing is over-indulging.
You are unable to draw boundaries and say no, even to yourself. You cannot choose wisely so you take everything. You may be over-eating, over-drinking, or just overly avoiding the harsh truth that your habits are affecting your health. Tendencies like this can really harm your body and lead to diabetes, heart conditions, and organ failure.
I suggest that you stop your over-indulging habits and try to create more of a balance. This doesn’t mean you have to suddenly eat only kale, but it does mean that you should monitor your diet and your exercise so as not to create more problems for yourself.